This was such a great night of rest from a non stop month. A bonfire under the stars at a vineyard in the mountains to ourselves was exactly what we needed! To sit in pockets of silence and just be with God. It was TRUE rest. Gods will is that we be sanctified in Him every day. To walk with Him throughout every moment and trust that He has it all figured out already! It's there, that we find true rest. An unshakeable, consistent peace. It isn't just hits of rest until we we get smacked with burnout and fall at His feet! 1 Thessalonians 4:3: For this is the will of God, that you be sanctified. What is being sanctified? Set apart. Dedicated. Purified. Blessed! How are we being sanctified if we're too distracted with busyness? How are we doing His will if we aren't sitting with Him long enough to find out what He's calling us to? A hurried life without rest, is a life unsanctified. If we slow our roll, acknowledge Him and invite Him into every moment, that's where the rest for our souls happens. Let's start this week without our own "hustle". Instead, seeking Him in every single thing and allowing Him to carry us 💗