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Humble + Lowly like Jesus

Jesus was the ultimate example of humility, but he was also the perfect example of the other part we miss — he was lowly. What does lowly mean? The good old dictionary describes it as “low in status or importance; humble” it also says simple, low ranking, poor, ordinary, obscure…I find that mind blowing. The savior of the world was anything but ordinary, and yet it’s the position He took and the example we’re given on how to be.

Matthew 11:29 says “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” I sat on this for a while and prayed on it. Am I lowly? I thought to myself. Am I willing to be like Jesus and take the low position every time? Where have I done this, and where can I be more like Him in it? Looking back in the scriptures, Jesus never retaliated. He never threw a fit or lost His cool. The only time we see Him show righteous anger was when He flipped tables for making a mockery out of Gods house by selling things in the sanctuary. He was defending His father. Again, this humbled me. Practically, it’s letting Jesus do more work on someone after having a disagreement and not having to get the last word or to be right. It’s giving when you get nothing in return — often! It’s pouring out and praying and loving when it’s rarely reciprocated. When you’re accused wrongly, manipulated or mistreated.

Jesus corrected gently and set boundaries, but He also knew when to be quiet. He knew who would and wouldn’t listen and was careful of when to speak. He gave without hesitation. He loved those who hated him and didn’t get cruel when He was rejected. He was perfect. He never sinned, but was instead lowly enough to sit with the poor, broken, messy, deserted people. Even sitting down to dinner with His beloved disciple Judas, when Jesus knew he had already sold Him out and stabbed Him in the back. Judas was about to hand Jesus over to be killed, and yet the Lord was so bold in His love for Judas that He shared bread with him. He was THAT humble and lowly! “Though he was in the form of God, He did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” Philippians 2:6-8.

We should always strive to be like Jesus in this way. It’s the opposite of what our flesh wants to do, but obedience is bigger. The call to take on the yoke of being humble and lowly like Him is so much more impactful, it makes space for unconditional love. So I’ll pick up my cross and follow Him in pursuit of being like that, despite the temporary pains it may come with along the way. Will you?


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